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Writer's pictureJamie York

Press Release: Public Hearing August 26th

Press Release

As published in the Caldwell Messenger, the City Commission will hold a public hearing at 12:00 Noon, Wednesday August 26th regarding water system improvements to the clear well, SCADA and elevated storage. Total project costs are estimated at $2,157,250, including a $600,000 CDBG application, KDHE-SRF temporary financing, and USDA-RD grant/loan application. The USDA-RD funding application is currently underway.

The water system clear well has outlived its useful life and is failing. The City has no choice other than replacing it. City Staff has been working with Project engineers to provide a Preliminary Engineering Report to the City Commission that included other system improvements up to entire system replacement.  With interest rates at historic lows, the City Commission voted to move forward with replacing the clear well, SCADA system, and elevated storage. In order to meet CDBG and USDA-RD application time lines, the City pushed forward following necessary CDBG and USDA-RD requirements.

This project aims to ensure the safety of the City’s potable water system, increase water pressure and system efficiency. Considering low interest rates for borrowing, the City Commission saw an opportunity to begin inevitable water system improvements in a phased –in approach. The alternative would be to make only improvements to the clear well, wait for other parts of the system to fail, have no time to apply for grant funding and finance at a higher interest rate. With a water system that’s over 100 years old, a phased-in, proactive approach to system improvements makes the most fiscal sense and helps avoid catastrophic failure.

Public comments and questions may be submitted on-line at under “Selection Box”, at the City Office, or by attending the Public Hearing at Noon on Wednesday, August 26th at Park Place.  The hearing will be recorded and posted on the on the City’s website. The public comment period will be open through Friday, August 28th.

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